Easy Litter
Prevention Steps

Litter Prevention
Littering is an individual behavioral problem or a business problem that can become a problem for your community.
Changing a societal norm like littering begins with each of us. Each person must accept responsibility for their actions and influence the actions of others around them at home, at school, in your place of business, and in the community at large. By modeling proper trash and waste disposal, you will cause others to consider changing their behaviors and embodying appropriate actions, too.
Here are some examples of what you -- and others -- can do to help prevent litter in your community.
Personal Tips
- Set an example for others and use trash receptacles.
- Keep a litterbag in your car (KMB has car litterbags that you can pick up at our office!)
- If you drive a truck, use a 5 gallon bucket and this type of lid to keep your trash from flying out and becoming litter.
- Make sure all of your trash cans have tight fitting lids.
- Look for ways to beautify your neighborhood and community. People tend to litter less in beautified areas.
- Participate in one of our community cleanups - Great American Cleanup/Don't Mess With Texas Trash Off and The Keep Midland Beautiful Fall Sweep are two great cleanups to get involved with.
- Don't forget to recycle! We have our Citizens Collection Station and BRI as well as many more Recycle Locations listed here.
- Take our 10 On Tuesday pledge and pick up 10 pieces of litter every Tuesday. Every small change can ripple into something great!
- Pick up after your pet. Take long newspaper bags or other easy to carry bags and make sure you clean any messes.
Business Tips
- Electronic media, forms, and other documents are a great way to cut down on paper usage. If you need to print multiple pages, be sure to use double-sided printing and copying.
- Trap that scrap! Utilize the back of old photocopies, printed sheets and oudated letterheads for notes and scratch-paper.
- Dishes are not like excuses: reuse dishware and silverware to help eliminate the use of paper, plastic and Stryofoam. Provide your staff with reusable items and set a great example!
- Assure easy access to dumpsters by employees and contractors. Don't forget to check them daily to make sure they aren't overflowing, especially when our West Texas wind kicks up.
- As a business, get involved with our community cleanups to work on teambuilding. Your business can also Adopt-A-Spot and beautify your space.
New Tool To Fight Litter
For years, the “Report A Litterer” program has allowed Texans to notify TxDOT via www.dontmesswithtexas.org when they witness trash being tossed out of vehicles. Now, there’s a new, free mobile app. For instance, with the single press of a button, the littering incident, and type of trash are recorded via GPS. The new Don’t Mess with Texas app allows Texans to identify the litter they see as one of four prevalent types of trash: fast food; cigarette butts; cups, cans and bottles; and miscellaneous trash. The data is then compiled into a map that illustrates what’s being littered and where throughout Texas.
Don’t Mess with Texas Mobile App Safety Features
As a promoter of safe behavior on roadways, TxDOT has taken precautions to prevent distracted driving. When a user opens the app for the first time, the user is prompted with a reminder not to use the app while driving. Users cannot text or type into the app at any time — only tapping on the touch screen is allowed, and only one tap is needed to report litter.
Litter prevention is so important to road safety as well.
Large Item Removal
You may now have your large unwanted items removed from your alleyway, free of charge! Just call the City of Midland Solid Waste Department at (432) 685-7278 to make a reservation. Some restrictions apply:
- No construction debris, bricks, concrete, rock, gravel, plaster or oil
- No tires, car batteries or liquid wastes
- No tree stumps
- Items on private property will not be removed
You can help in this process by having your house number prominently displayed on your fence facing the alley.